30 Per Cent For You
THE OIL fields may be on strike and the elected president in jail, but in Nigeria it is business as usual. Prince Ndidi Henry writes to me from his palace at 8 Sabo Road with a......
City And Suburban
Clarke pops up with a September Budget, and up pops the price of money CHRISTOPHER FILDES B udget day has come early this year. It is formally timed for the end of November, but......
On Credit
MOVING SOONER rather than later, the Chancellor startled one of his advisers, who had explained only that morning why such a thing could not possibly happen, and explained a few......
Ethics Girl
MY TEST case for business ethics comes not from Body Shop but from New York. I have it at first hand from a City banker who, wanting to meet his opposite number on Wall Street,......
Poisson D'or Savoyard
I FEAR the worst for Foss and Harbottle, Giles Shepard's learned goldfish, now that he is not at the Savoy to protect them. A friend claims to have seen them in the Grill on......