.'s Last Labour not Lost. By George Daniel, Author of " Merrie .nd in the Olden Time." (Pickering.)-The volume bearing this ,er enigmatic title appears to consist of some of the minor contents
Mr. Daniel's portfolio, both prose and verse, selected on no principle in ,articular, and published in the well-known Aldine form. The prose department of the book is composed of a number of scattered papers chiefly on literary or archaaolgical subjects, on which Mr. Daniel evidently dwells with enthusiasm, and writes with pleasure. His productions do not appear to us to bear the impress of a powerful mind ; but we think we can gather from them that their author is a gentleman possessed of cultivated tastes, a kindly, gossiping disposition, Tory predilections, and a certain amount of that mild humour which it is the fashion to call "lambent." Mr. Daniel's verses, which are almost exclusively of a devotional cast, are not remarkable for vigour, but are pleasantly and smoothly written.