Letters By "ilistoricus" On Seine Questions Of...
millan and Co )-Most of our readers will, doubtless, remember the series of letters on international law which, under the signature of " Historicus," have occasionally appeared......
Tropical Fibres; Their Production And Economic...
Squier. (Madden.)-Mr. Squier is an American gentleman who, having resided for some time in tropical America, has formed the opinion that the fibres of many plants which grow in......
Jrrent Literature.
.'s Last Labour not Lost. By George Daniel, Author of " Merrie .nd in the Olden Time." (Pickering.)-The volume bearing this ,er enigmatic title appears to consist of some of the......
Ballads From Scottish History. By Norval Clyne....
gentleman, whose name is Norval, has put together in this nice-looking little volume a number of ballads on various events in Scottish history, ranging from the advent of St.......
Books Received During The Week.
Analeeta Graeca 3Iinora, by the Rev. P. Frost, 31.A. (Bell and Dahly).-The Life of Hugh Miller (S. W. Partridge).-A Manual for Communion Classes, by C. P. Clark, M.A. (Bell and......