THE King's visit to the Mediterranean has been proving a complete success. He reached Malta on Thursday, and was received with the greatest cordiality by the whole popu- lation. As usual, his replies to the numerous deputations from which he accepted addresses were most happy. No one knows better than the King how to combine cordiality and dignity on such occasions, and to say the right thing in the right way. No doubt the King's visit to Rome will be equally successful. We are glad that it has been arranged that he shall visit the Pope, and also glad that he will visit him in a way which cannot possibly be regarded as conveying any acknowledgment of the temporal claims. The King will visit his Holiness, not his Majesty. That is exactly what the British people will like. For the King to do honour to the spiritual chief of many millions of the inhabitants of the Empire, and the head of a great religious community, is in every way fitting.