The Age Of Shakespeare. By Thomas Seccombe And J. W.
Allen. 2 vols. (G. Bell and Sons. 7s.)—These two volumes belong to the series of "Handbooks of English Literature" appearing under the general editorship of Professor Hales.......
The Gourmet's Guide To Europe, By Lieutenant - Colonel...
(editor) and Algernon Bastard. (Grant Richards. 3s. 6d.)—These two gentlemen, modern successors of Ulysses, have seen the cities of many men—and learnt their cookery. And they......
Poets And Dreamers : Studies And Translations From The...
By Lady Gregory. (John Murray. 6s.)—It need hardly be said that there is much that is curious and interesting in this volume. Perhaps the most characteristically Irish, or we......
Dictioaary Of National Biography Index And Epitome....
Lee. (Smith, Elder, and Co. 255. net.)—The publishers of this invaluable work have done well to supplement it with this epitome. It will supply, and more than supply, the place......
Newspaper Press Directory. (j. M. Mitchell And Co. 2e.)—...
is, as far as we can judge, a complete guide to its subject, and should be found useful. The facts and statistics which it supplies have an interest which could not easily be......
New Editions.—lectures On Preaching, By The Right Rev....
D.D., the "Sage Lectures" delivered at Yale College in 1871 (Macmillan and Co., 6s.) ; and The Influence of Jesus (same author and publishers, 6s.), the "Bohlen Lectures" for......