SPAIN AND MONARCHISM SIR, —Your very interesting article on the above
subject—one too much neglected by the general public of this Kingdom—published as it was in your issue of April 4th, contains one rather surprising error, which in the interests of truth should be . corrected. Your correspondent says that General Franco' has refused the request of the Royalists for the burial of the late King Alfonso in the Monastery of the EscoriaL It is, however, over two weeks now since The Times printed a very complete account of the burial of the King at the Escorial, and discussed its political implications.
Your correspondent also refers to the "tactical error" of the Monarchists in committing themselves to one of the opposing sides in the Civil War. This may have been a tactical error, but few of your readers can surely fail to comprehend that an alliance between His Most Catholic Majesty - and the altruistic (or at least agnostic) Republican regime would have been morally grotesque.—I have the
honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, W. Scary