Mr. Hoover On Feeding Europe
In a letter to The Times, published last Wednesday, Mr. Herbert Hoover puts forward a reasoned defence of his scheme for permitting food to be sent to women, children and unem-......
France And The Vichy Government •
It is not easy to gauge public feeling in France, where free- dom of speech alike in occupied and unoccupied territory is a thing of the past. But such evidences as the recent......
Food For Spain
An agreement has been signed in Madrid, said Mr. Butler in a written Parliamentary answer,. providing for a B r i t i sh advance of £2,500,000 to Spain, to be spent in such man......
The Situation In Eire
Broadcasting last Monday Mr. de Valera said that even the maintenance of neutrality will mean for Eire much hard- ship and privation. That is no doubt true. The economic......
The Conquest Of Italian East Africa
The news that the Duke of Aosta had requested a safe con- duct for an Italiatr aircraft carrying an envoy to Diredawa caused a breaking-off of hostilities in the air and on the......
Freedom To Debate
Does unity in the face of the enemy mean that political and social questions should be left out of public 'discussion? The Labour Party is evidently uneasy lest the proceedings......