The marriages of the sixteen young women of Paris and
the Banlieue, to whom dowries have been given by the King in honour of the nup- tials of the Princess Louise, were celebrated on the 13th in their re- spective parish churches with all due form.
About 20,600 females are about to be banished from Poland. They are chiefly the wives and widows of banished and slaughtered Poles.
The Count de Las-Cases, who has been a long time suffering from the stone, has just undergone the operation of lithotrity, under the hands of Dr. Civiale, with a success that affords every hope of his complete re-establishment. —French Paper.
On the 25th of June, about eleven o'clock at night, sevcral violent .shocks of an earthquake were felt in Minion. The vibrations lasted
thirty seconds ; candlesticks and lamps were upset, and the beams of a
• room inhabited by a French officer fell in, but he fortunately escaped unhurt. Some persons fled into the streets almost naked, and the soldiers quitted their barracks. The sky was serene and the sea calm ; but on the preceding day, at the same hour, a storm raged, although storms are extremely rare at this season. The same earthquake was felt at Navarino.
FRENCH PENNY-A-LINING.—Fifteen Russian officers of the garrison of Warsaw met at Grochow on the anniversary of the great battle. They. did not express openly the object of their meeting, but silent tears sufficiently showed their grief. Being suspected of cherishing Polish sentiments, they were denounced to their chiefs and arrested. By a decision of Prince Paskewitsch, they have been sent off to Siberia, where they are to serve as common soldiers.—National.
The American Commodore Rogers died lately on the South Ameri- can station.
The Senate of the United States have rejected the award cf the King of the Netherlands relative to the north-eastern boundary of Canada.
The ice was so thick at Newfoundland on the 31st of May, that the President sident was compelled to postpone the opening of the Supreme Court. The thaw commenced the next day.