At Wakefield, Last Week, The Clergyman Proposed A...
Is. 4d. As an amendment, a parishioner proposed a rate of 6d. The clergyman refused to put it, and gave up the chair. Another chairman was immediately voted into it, and the......
Since Our Last Report, The Appearance Of The Plantations Has
changed for the worse, and the estimate of the produce is now much lower. The duty on our plantation has gone down to 8,0001.; and it is said that few will back that amount. The......
There Was A Reform Dinner At Abingdon On Tuesday. The
com- pany consisted of one hundred and thirty. Dr. Tomkins filled the chair,—which was supported by Mr. Throckmorton, the member for the county, Mr. N. Throckmorton ' Dr.......
Clje Country.
Two narratives have been published of the transactions at Clithero on the 31st of July,—one by Mr. Thomson, of the firm of Thomson, Chippindall, and Company ; the other by Mr.......