On Sunday evening, two men in a state of drunkenness
passed along Old Street Road, in a horse and gig, at a most furious rate, and at the corner of Pitfield Street, knocked down a poor woman, and the wheel passing over her head, she was killed on the spot.
Three drunken Irishmen set Upon honest Josh Hudson on Thurs- day, because' with great propriety, he refused to give them more beer after they had had too much. • 7They were, however, little aware of their man. Josh thrashed all three soundly, in a jiffey. One of the ruffians bit Hudson's arm severely.
On Saturday, about seven o'clock, Mr. Chinch, a remarkably fine young man between nineteen and twenty years of age, son of Mr. Claud', Join' Street, Marylebone, was found lying on one of the gar- den beds, hawing placed the muzzle of a pistol loaded with ball in his mouth, and discharged the contents through his head.
On Monday morning, a respectably-dressed young man, apparently about twenty-five years of age, was seen to throw himself head-foremost into the Paddington Canal, near Harrow Road Bridge. The body was immediately dragged for, but an hour had elapsed 'before it was found.
The manufactory of Messrs. Drown and Co.., acid and colour maker near Battersea Church, was burnt to the ground on Sunday.