18 AUGUST 1832, Page 8

. Rah) ant( Sudtict.

In May 1831, David Harris, a small farmer at Fishguard, voted for Sir John Owen, at the election for Pembrokeshire. • Major Harris

Trevacoon, a Magistrate of the county, supported Mr. Grenville. In October there was another election, at which David Harris' how- ever, did not vote. Major Harris met a supporter of Sir J. Owen, and told him that he had got a voter, who belonged to their party, be- Lore him as a poacher, and he meant to punish him. The other said he trusted he would not punish any one for party purposes. The Major replied, " I have got the fellow now, and I will stick to him." Harris was brought before the Major and other Magistrates, on a charge of killing game without a licence, on the 28th of October. The • Major called him, when he was brought into the room, a scoundrel, a rascal, and a villain. When he denied the charge of poaching, the Major said he was a liar. Harris was asked if he had not been out . shooting the preceding day. He replied that "he had ; he had killed • six hares, and he hoped to kill as many more the next day." It ap- - reared that he had taken out a game licence. The case of poaching

-was not proved, and the Magistrates discharged him. • The Major then said to Harris, " I shall have you up before me to-morrow, and I'll ••send you to gaol." The next day he was apprehended, and taken be- fore the Major, who said he had insulted him the preceding day, and

• he should call on him to give sureties, in default of which he would commit him. Although no witness was. examined, and no other Ma- gistrate present, Major Harris committed Harris to prison, where he

_remained for a month. He was discharged at the Quarter Sessions, no charge being made against him. Major Harris was prosecuted at

_Abe Brecknoek Assizes; The defence was, that he was seventy-three years of age—that he had been forty-eight years a Magistrate of Pem- broke—that, though irritable, he was a man of high honour—that he :Iwas of great influence in the county—and that the prosecution was got • am by an election party. It was also contended that the expression - about killing the bares, and the complainant's answer, were both insult- - jug and threatening. The Jury found the defendant Guilty. Sentence Ideferred.— Cambrian.

A Welch paper states, that at the Assizes for Cardiganshire, the de- .. fendant in an action sent a statement of his case to Mr. Justice Alder- _ son, at his lodgings, accompanied by a 10/. note. On entering the __Court, the learned Judge. made a declaration of what he had received ; and intimated that he should place the letter in the hands of the At- -. Atomey-Genend, and instruct him to prosecute the offender. Ultimately, :however, he returned the money, and cautioned the defendant against 'tying such an experiment again.

. At Gloucester, on Thursday, a rather singular trial took place, be- fore Baron Gurney. Three men were charged with stealing a bell. It appeared that in their zeal for the celebration of Reform in Avening parish, the prisoners were induced to carry off one of the bells from Chettering Church, their own possessing five only, which was not • aleemed a number equal to the occasion. They were found guilty ; but • 'Mr. Baron Gurney said he would give the case his humane con- sideration.