OFTICE OF OlITNANCE, Aug. 10.—Corps of Royal Engineers—Second Lieut. C. E. Stanley to be First Lieut. vice W. IL Mould, deceased ; Second Lieut. W.C. Menzies to he First Lieut. vice Greaturex, deceased.
WAR•OFFICE, Aug.17.-9th liegt. of Light Drags.—Lient. T.P. Whalley to be Capt. by purchase. vice Mulkey, who retires; Cornet K. M. Poser to be Lit•ut. by purchase, vice Whalley ; J. E. :Mattocks, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Power; Settit, Major J. C. Williamson to be Quartermaster, vice T. Wright, who retires upon half. pay. 4th Regt. of Foot — Lieut. W. O'Kelly, from the 20th Regt. of Foot. lu tie Lieut. vice Vivian, who exchanges. 7th Foot—Second Lieut. C. S Cochrane, from the 60th Regt. of Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Snow, who retires. 10th Foot—J. I!. Pen row, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Elmslie, who retires. 13th Foot—M. Fs Straubenzee, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Bartley. appointed to the 49th Regt. of Foot. 20th Foot —Lieut. J. C. W. Vivian, from the 4111 Itegt. of Foot, to be Lieut. vice O'Kelly, who exchanges; Ensign H. W. Mastersou, from the 57th Regl, of Font, to be Ensign, site Raikes, who exchanges. 21st Foot—Capt. R. T. Hawley, from the of the 5th Regt. of Foot, to be Cold. vice J. Hutchinson, who. er changes; Lieut. H. W. Banbury to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hawley. who rattail; Second Lieut. A. Andrews to be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Mundy. who retires. 21st Foot—Second Lieut. W, Doraville to be First I.ieut. by purchase, viee Butibury ; J. Dawson, Gent. to be Second Lieut, by purchase, vice Andrews ; J. Watson, Gent. to
second LieM. by purchase, vice Domville. .26th Foot -Gent. Cadet II. B. Phipps, :,„• the Royal Slithery College, to he Ensign. without purchase, vice James, de'. L'''''"„„a-gg7th Foot it. C. Vereker to be Capt. by purchase, vice Stanford,,who Ensign F. King to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Vereker; J. Somerville, Gent. re.:t;in,10), by purchase, vice King. 28th Foot-Ensign E. M. Love to he Lieu. btoe purchase, vice Whining, who retires; Ensign B. White, from the 96th Regt. of Fro to be Lieut. by porchase. vice Beckham. who retires; Ensign I). M'tiregor, from Regt of Foot, to be !VW. and Ensign: vice Russell. 416 Foot Gent.
the ' • •
itSige, by putchase,vice Fordyce, appointed to the 47th Regt.of Foot. 46th Foot - tj'a-pt Custatice, from tbe9ath Regt. of Foot, to be Capt. vice Fisher, who exchanges. 47th *Foot -Ensign C. J. Longmure to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Wreslhonse, who re- tires; Ensign C. F. Fordyce. from the 41st Foot, to be Ensign, vice Lon !more. 49th poot-Ensien A. R. Shakespear to be Lieut. by purchase, vice A. Daniell, who retires; Etek, vsr. T. Bartley, hum the 13th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Shakespear. 57th Foot -Ensign F. T. Raikes, from the 20th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Masterson, who ex changes. 59th Foot—Gent. Cadet W. A. Gaussen, from the Royal Military College, to he Ensign, by purchase, vice Mackenzie, whose appointment has not taken place. 60th Foot-J. Douglas, Gent. to be Second Lieut, by purchase, vice Cochrane. pun rooted in the 7th Foot. 73th Foot-T. M. Carrick, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase. Bice spGregor, appointed to the 2sth Foot. 91st Foot-Clint. J. Marshall: from half- pay unattached to be Capt. vies Scinroy, who exchanges. 92.1 Foot—P. H. Pat. Jerson, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Viscount Drumbunig, appointed to the gd Life Guards. 94th Foot -Sergeaut.Majer T. Waite to be Quartermaster, vice Mackenzie, who retires upon half. pay. 95th Foot -Capt. W. C. Fisher, from the 46111 Feet, to be Capt. vice Custance, who exchanges. 96th Foot-F. Pierce, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice tt htte, promoted in the 28th Foot. Brevet—Capt. J. Marshall, of the 91st Foot, to he Major in the Army. Commissariat-To be Assistant•Commissaries General-Deputy Assist ant-Commis- sary.General R. Lindsay; Deputy Assist..Commissary.GeLeral J:Verfenstein. WAR-OFFICE, Aug. 2.-Menimandum- I ler Majesty has been graciously pleased to permit the 11th Regiment of Light Dragoons to betty upon its guidons and appoint• ments, in addition to coy other bulges or distinctions heretotine granted, the word Salamanca," in consideration of the gallant conduct of the Regiment at the battle of Salamanca, oat the 22d July 1812.