Mr. John Jervis, Father Of The Member For Chester, Died
at his son's house in Beuumaris, on Wednesday week. Mr. Jervis was for !rimy years a leading counsel on the Oxford circuit, and distinguished for acuteness and honourable......
The Following Correspondence Has Appeared In The Papers...
THE AMERICAN MINUTE& AND MR. O'CONNELL. 23, Portland Place. 9th August. Sin—My attention has been called to the publication in the last Spectator of a speech which purports to......
16, Pall Mall, 10th August.
St u—In consequence of your letter of yesterday's date, I examined the report of my speech at Birmingham in the Spectator of the 4th instant ; and have no hesitation in say ine......
The Army.
OFTICE OF OlITNANCE, Aug. 10.—Corps of Royal Engineers—Second Lieut. C. E. Stanley to be First Lieut. vice W. IL Mould, deceased ; Second Lieut. W.C. Menzies to he First Lieut.......
Louis Philip Has Been Visiting Count Mole, At His Private
residence, Champlutreux, near Yetis; and out of compliment to his host, dated a Royal ordinance from it,—a proceeding which, in the dearth of mom interesting matter, has......
Evtey day this week, the Ministerial papers have, in the mass, at- tacked Lord Brougham ; whom, in the climax of spiteful wit, they have nicknamed " 01(1 Puck." This is a severe......
23. Portland Place, 11th August 1535.
have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of last evening in answer to the Dim from myself of the preceding day. Presuming that you intended your reply ate a......