Srocu Exeit 12•1,11,:, Faint, AFTERNOON. The proceedings of the Legislature, with respect to the affairs of Canada, in addition to the reported difficulties whieh beset the settlement of the Bel- gian question, have produce (I a depression in the Money Market, and Consols are about per cent. lower than last week. Exchequer Bills have fallen about cis. ; the premium, which has been 74s., being to-day 72a. India Bonds are at the same quotation. Bank and India Stocks continue the same ; as do Long Annuities. In the Foreign Market, Portuguese Bonds have improved about 2 per cent. ; the last Melees from Lisbon bringing intelligence of the capture and execution of the lliguelite partisan and Guerilla RP:MECUM°, V.,110 has long set the law at defiance. The Five per Cents., which were 341, are to-day :361 37. The Three per Cents. have risen to 241 ; and Three per Cents. 18:37, are 30 to 1. Spanish Stock has been as immoveable as Eseunreno's army, the price during the whole week having been 21 a A. The last adyiees from Rio Janeiro being of a favourable nature, Brazilian Bonds have been in demand at 834 and 84.
The Old Portuguese Bonds have also improved about 2 per ccot., and arc quoted 74 and 74k. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cent. Stock has given way about per cent. There has been very little doing in any other description, of Stocks. The It lawny Shares, with the exception of the Great Western, have been
without fluctuation. A general meeting of the proprietors of the Great Western Railway was held at Bristol on the 15th instant, and was ultimately adjourned for six weeks, to enable Mr. Noon, the engineer, to survey and give a detailed report of the condition of the railway. Just before the meeting, some business occurred in the Shires; but the market experienced but slight fluctuation, and not a single bargain has been effected since the result of the meeting has been known.
Consols are a shade higher this morning, being buyers at 94;1 for the Account ; the other English Funds have improved in a like degree. Exchequer Bab and India Roods are the same. In the Foreign :Market, the Portuguese Secu- rities are not quite so firm, but all the other descriptions of Foreign Stock are at yesterday's prices. The Great Western Shares are heavy, being quoted at 11 to 13 prem. ; but the other varieties are at yesterday's prices. 3 per ('cut. Consols 941 Brazilinti 51ter Cents 84 # 1.
Ditto for Account 941 Danish 75 1 3 per Cent. Itediteed 943 f Dutch 24 per Cents 54f 1
New 31 per Cent. Antis 1011 2' Portuguese Regeney 5 p. Cis. 364 7 Bank Stm.k 207r 8 Ditto 3 per Cent. 24 246 I alias Stock Russian (1822)5 per Cent ... 114 4 Ditto Bonds '374pm Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 211 I Exeleettior Bills 72 74pin Deferred Stork Si Itelgian 5 per Cents 1021 Passive Ditto 41