The French papers received this morning reiterate the accounts of unsatisfactory and warlike symptoms in the direction of Prussia. It is said that in all the French forts and citadels in the provinces bor- dering on the Rhine and on Belgium, there is " extraordinary ac- tivity;" their garrisons have been augmented, and their materiel placed on "a respectable footing," though, from the year 1830 till very recently, there had been only the "strictest peace establishments" in those places. The Augsburg Gazette has an article to the effect that the Northern Powers will maintain peace at any price, and will not permit war be- tween Holland and Belgium, or between the Sultan and Men eatrrA Lt. The last letters from Madrid state, that the Ministers had made every submission to ESPART::RO ; that the Minister of War had re- signed ; and that two other members of the Cabinet would follow his example. The Crtrlists are said to have been defeated in several recent skirmishes.