arbe Court.
THE Queen held a Privy Council on Monday afternoon ; and in tie evening had a small dinner-party, comprising the Prince and Princess of Oldenburg, Duke and Dutchess of Sutherland, Lord Palmerston, and Lord and Lady John Russell.
On Tuesday evening the Queen went to the Italian Opera.
A Privy Council was held at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday; when the Queen's Speech on the prorogation of Parliament was settled. Her Alajesty then held an Investiture of the Bath. Lieutenant. General Sir John Lambert, Lieutenant -General Sir Robert O'Cal.
lughan, Major- General Sir Alexander Caldwell, Major-General Sir
James Lushington, the Earl of Gosford, Lord Howard De Walden, and Sir Richard Jenkins, received the insignia of Knights Grand Cross.
Colonel Sir Richard Williams, lilajor-Generals Sir A. Pilkington, Sir John Gardiner, Sir Arthur Clifton, Sir Edward Gibbs, and Ad- miral Sir John Lawfurcl, were invested respectively with the insignia of Knights Commanders.
On Thursday, the Queen went in state to prorogue Parliament The announcement that the prorogation would take place on Thursday
was only made on Wednesday night, the general belief being that the ceremony had been put off to Friday. Consequently very few persons were in the streets as the procession passed along. there was no cheering ; anti the Miming Post says that the Queen looked t coldand haughty," "chagrined and dissatisfied."
Last night, the Queen gave a grand dinner and concert, in honour of the Dutchess of Kent's birth• day. The members of the Royal Fa- mily, the Foreign A nibassadors, Lord Melbourne, the Duke of ‘Vel.
lingtott, the Marquis of Lansdowne, the Dutchess of Hamilton, the Duke and Dutche,s of Sutherland, Lord Palmerston, and Lord Alor•
pith, were the chief persons at the royal entertainment. The per. formers were the principal singers and instrumentalists from the Ita- lian Opera. The music was principally Donizetti's ; though Rossini, 13,111e, Alercadante, and Parini, contributed some pieces.
Tuesday was Queen Adelaide's birthday ; and her Majesty received complimentary visits at Bushy Park from the Dutchess of Kent, and other members of the Royal Family.