EV Courant.
A correspondent in the Leeds Mercury states, that " Bowring and Hume are to be brought out in the People's interest for the West Riding at the next election ; and the people are requested to hear them speak before opposition is offered." At a meeting at Dewsbury, oe Wednesday last, Mr. Feargus O'Connor referred to the promise made by the Dewsbury people, to support him at the next election for the West Riding, which promise he should require them to perform.
It is likely that the game in the moors in the neighbourhood of Rochdale and Whitworth will be very scarce this season, as great quantities of the young birds have been found dead : no doubt they were killed by the severe storm on the 4th ultimo. One person alone, in one day last week, found upwards of fifty birds dead On one moor near Whitworth ; and large quantities have been found by others. — Bokon chronide.
From accounts received from different parts, it appears that the num- ber of broods of grouse is very limited this year, in consequence of the heavy rains that fell in March and April having destroyed a great por- tion of old birds, as well as the quantity of nests that were destroyed by rain in the latter part of Muy. Some moors in Ribbleedule, that had at least twenty broods each ou them last year, 011 an average do not exceed four this year. We have, however, received better ac- counts from Derbyshire : the broods there are more numerous, and the young birds are remarkably strong for this time of the year, taking into consideration the inclemency of the weather that they have had to en- counter, together with the backwardness of the spring, which hindered them from pairing.—Leeds Intelliyencer.