On Wednesday, the first sturgeon caught in the Thames in
the pre- sent season was conveyed by John Nelson, the Assistant Water On Wednesday, the first sturgeon caught in the Thames in the pre- sent season was conveyed by John Nelson, the Assistant Water
Bailiff, to the Lord Mayor. It is usual to send the first sturgeon of the Mayoralty to the Sovereign ; but the Lord Mayor having taken a view of the fish, observed that it was too small and meagre to set be- fore her Majesty, and accordingly presented it to a patty which his Lordship intended to join at Blackwell at six o'clock.
At the Hatton Garden Office, on Saturday, three medical students were committed to prison, on a charge of creating a disturbance in Mu- seum Street, by knocking violently at house-doors.
Two Sergeants of Police were fined 20s. each, at the Bow Street Office yesterday, for using rude language to the wife of a shopkeeper. A few days ago, a clerk in the Bank of England made, in the hurry of business, a mistake which placed him in some difficulty. A person banded him a 1001. note and a .50/. note for sovereigns. Instead of giving 1.50 sovereigns, the clerk handed over 300 to the stranger ; who walked off with his prize. The mistake having been discovered in the course of the day, the clerk sent for Daniel Forrester, who observed a man whose appearance answered that of the person described to him ; aad the man having answered to his name, Forrester immediately asked him to return him the 150 sovereigns given to him by mistake. The DWI at first pretended not to know that be had received more than the amount due ; but when Forrester hinted that if the money was not immediately returned, the " mistake would become a felony," the person restored the 150 sovereigns.
Two or three days ago, Thomas Therm!, sexton, hung himself to a beam in the belfry of Henry the Eighth's chapel. His body was only discovered yesterday.