18 AUGUST 1866, Page 2

Mexico is another of Napoleon's troubles. He has promised his

people that Mexico shall repay the money her regenerationehas cost France, and the United States that he will evacuate the country by a fixed date. The Empress Charlotte has now arrived, to tell him that if be keeps either promise her husband. will abdi- cate, when the failure of the expedition will be proclaimeito France. The Emperor, it is saideis searchiug for a compromise, but mean- while a Mexican regiment hasrevolted on the field, the inen.firiug into their comrades with shouts of "Liberty !" the Belgian Legion is disbanded, and the Liberals ,bave captured Matantoraa, Tampico, and Monterey. The French in fact are oiely masters within the range of their cannon, the Emperor has. no party, filibusters are landing from California, and if the French troops are. withdrawn Maximilian must come home, to the confusion of France. Yet what help, when to prevent the abdication of an Austrian France must spend another ten millions, annoy; the army, and risk a war with the United States ?