Mr. Charles W. Merrifield Sends To The Pall Mall Gazette
what we trust is an exaggerated account of the condition of Cornwall._ The price of tin has fallen so low from the discovery of large deposits in the Dutch East Indies that the......
The Prussian Decree For The Annexations, Which Was To Have
appeared on Wednesday, has been delayed by " high influence at Court." There is, however, little fear of its ultimate miscarriage, as Count Bismark is ardent for it, and his......
The Bill Regulating The Elections To The German...
been presented to both the Prussian Chambers. It provides that every Prussian of twenty-five, not a lunatic, a bankrupt, or a pauper, shall be an elector, and be eligible for......
Lord Sondes, Chairman Of The London, Chatham, And Dover...
and Lord Harris, vice-chairman, have issued a circular this week announcing the insolvency of the Company. They have lone since ceased to pay dividends, and now, as Lord Sondes......
The Austrian Government Is Trying To Persuade The World That
it is quite ready to fight. About 150,000 men are massed in the Tyrol, reports are spread of difficulties in the negotiations, and the army is alleged to be furious at the......
News Of The Week
R IGHTEOUSNESS and peace have kissed each other in the persons of the Emperor of the French and the King of Prussia. It was stated last week that Napoleon had demanded Of......
The Registrar-general's Return Of Deaths From Cholera And...
on the whole favourable. The number declined in the week ending August 13 from 1,407 to 1,045, the decrease being principally among children. The Registrar - General strongly......
The Provincial History Of England.—a Series Of Articles...
commenced in the SPECTATOR in September, containing the history of each province in England so far as it is separate from that of the nation, its geography, its - ethnology, and......