18 AUGUST 1866, Page 22

The Calcutta Review, 1866. No:85. (Lepage.)--This number of our Indian

contemporary contains two interesting sketches of-worthies of the Indian past and present. The story of Lord Lake is well-told, and it is one of those stories that will bear repeating to the end of time. Given a man who gets cooler as the danger gets hotter, and there seems to be no limit to what ho can effect against numbers, where traditionary discipline has not made this sort of' temperament too common. The .history of such men in good hands, as hi the present case, must always be 'attractive. So, again, the `political' who has to display the same force of -character in another sphere supplies good material to those who know- how to-use it, and the writer of the short notice of Major Macpherson, who kept Scindia of Gwalior true to us in the mutiny, has not missed his -opportunity, though he might have made more of, it. A good article on Russia in the East, in which the wholesome moral is drawn that both that country and ourselves must, be on enr_good behaviour towards the -native from.the necessity of our position for some time to come, and that perhaps by the constant exercise of moderation we shall be in,no -humour for fighting when the moment of collision comes, and a graphic: 'account of Dnpleix's splendid tactics in the first struggle in the Carnatie make up, with some papers on special Indian subjects, an interesting number.