It is clear that the Russians south of the Balkans
have re- treated, leaving the unhappy Bulgarians who, aided them to be .exterminated by the Turks, who wish to strike terror in anticipation of any future advance ; but the report that the Shipka Pass has been abandoned lacks confirmation, and is unreasonable in itself. The Russians would never abandon the gate they have forced, and Suleiman Pasha, if he is crossing the range to attack Gabrova and shut up General Gourko, may find himself attacked in rear. The rumour that the Russians have abandoned for this year the idea of marching southward is rumour merely, or a calculation which may be abandoned at once, should either Osman Pasha or Mehemet Ali be defeated. It is upon the result of the next battle, not upon previously conceived plans, that the present campaign will turn. If the Russians are defeated, they will doubtless confine their efforts this year to the district between the Danube and the mountains ; but if they are victorious, we shall see a short stop put to all this croaking. The efforts made to win will be enor- mous, for the Court is well aware that if a second and serious repulse occurs, the Imperial family, whether responsible or not, will bear the blame. Nobody needs a victory so much as the Grand Dukes.