The Report Of The Commissioners Appointed To Inquire Into...
management of Christ's Hospital has been published, and we have animadverted elsewhere on its unexpected toler- ance for corporal punishment. We may, however, mention here that'......
The British Association Met This Year At Plymouth On Wednes-
day, and hitherto the proceedings have been unusually dull. The President, Dr. Allen Thomson, delivered an address, which was really a lecture on embryology, and far too......
The Home Office Has Appointed A Committee To Inquire Into
the state of the London Detective Force. The Committee, as origin- ally composed, consisted of Sir IL Selwyn-Ibbetson, Colonel Fielding, Mr. Massie, QC., and Mr. Overend, Q.C. ;......
We Must Notice The Formation Of A New Political Party
in America, because it may become important, though we do not think it will. This is the Union of Working-men which has been established in the West, with branches in New York......
Marshal Macmahou Is Starring In The North-west,...
Due do Broglie, making speeches and receiving addresses. Some of the latter are tolerably plain-spoken. At Evreux, for example, the Mayor-adjoint told the President that the......
Ninety-six Peers Have Signed A Letter To The Archbishop Of
Canterbury protesting against the use of " The Priest in Abso- lution," and declaring that the practice of auricular confession on the principles set forth in that book "will......
A Most Significant Letter Has Been Addressed By M. Foray,
Senator, and founder of the Left-Centre party in 1871, to the Minister of the Interior. Ile is Mayor of Eesonnes, and has been dismissed for refusing to placard certain portions......
Mr. Layard Appears To Have Become As Pro-turk As Sir
Henry Elliot. In s a despatch to the Foreign Office, dated May 30, and of course eagerly welcomed by the Mahommedan Press, he not only declares that the Bulgarian atrocities of......