IIE news from Bulgaria is still doubtful. On the one hand, it 1 is evident that the Turks are unable to move and take advantage of their victories ; and on the other, there is a tone of depression and even doubt visible in the Russian Army, which, moreover, is suffering from the want of proper sanitary arrangements. Even the Emperor's Staff is weakened by fever, and the hospitals are becoming terribly crowded. A murmur of discontent with the Grand Dukes, too, is becoming audible, and the Commander-m- Chief has denied the false rumours of defeats after "the check at Pleyna," in an order which reveals high irritation. There is strong reason, moreover, to suspect that owing to commissariat diffi- 4culties, the number of Russians across the Danube never came up to the numbers stated, and the great corps d'armie under 'General Zimmermann still remains motionless. Nevertheless, the reinforcements are pouring forward fast ; some 75,000 additional men should be in Bulgaria by Tuesday ; the Imperial Guard is on its way ; and by the statements received on Friday, some great blow would seem to be in preparation. Whether it will be levelled at Osman Pasha or at Mehemet All remains, however, doubtful. The telegrams point to Plevna, but in the crossing of the Danube the Russian Staff contrived to conceal their true objective.