The first election which has occurred in Ireland since the
memorable Wednesday has not been favourable to the hopes of the Obstructionists. The seat for Clare, vacant by the death of Sir Colman O'Loghlen, was contested by the O'Gorman Mahon, an old Nationalist, and now a Home-ruler, in favour of Mr. Par- nell's plan of action instead of Mr. Butt's. The moderate Home- rulers had no candidate ready, but they telegraphed to Australia to the brother of the deceased Member, Sir Bryan O'Loghlen, and on his accepting the offer, proposed him. Although absent, Sir Bryan was elected by nearly double the number of votes given to his opponent, who indeed received only 1,179 votes, out of a constituency of 5,432. It is suggested that the priests kept away the O'Gorman Mahon's friends, and that this accounts for the small poll; but the priests are always defeated when the cause is popular, nor has any party in Ireland ever defeated the respect- ables and the priesthood when united.