18 AUGUST 1894, Page 27

Our Rati/ways, By T. Pendleton. 2 vols. Illustrated. (Cassell and

Co.)—There is still apparently room for another history of railways—plentiful as such histories are—and we must acknow- ledge that Mr. Pendleton has managed to keep his subject fresh, and maintain a really interesting and readable narrative through a thousand pages. He has avoided figures, but has not forgotten to give us the facts and the striking incidents in connection with the growth of important railroads. Both in the earlier and in the later history of the engineering, he.has wisely introduced the personal element largely, and the result is two volumes which we have no hesitation in describing as containing the best written, the most readable, and the most broadly comprehensive treatment of the birth and growth of the English railway system we have yet seen. It is also plentifully illustrated.