The Middle-class Englishman May Be A Philistine And Some-...
prone to fill his belly with the east wind of catchpenny phraaes. When, however, he comes to the actual work of governing, he seldom fails to show himself sound and com- petent.......
A Treaty Settling The Frontier Between Liberia And The...
Soudan was officially published on Tuesday. Under it, France and the negro Republic rearrange their boundaries in such a way that the Hinterland of Liberia will be imposed as a......
The Indian Budget Was Introduced Into The House Of Commons
by Mr. Fowler on Thursday. If nothing were done, there would this year (1894 95) be a deficit of Rx.3,517,000. This would be met in part by reducing the expenditure by......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Writ
New Consols (21) were on Friday, 104-102.......
The Full Report Of The Proceedings Of The Annual Meeting
cf the Imperial East Africa Company has just been issued. The Company again state their hard case in regard to the concession by the Sultanate of Zanzibar. They contend that, on......
The House Of Commons, During The First Two Days Of
the week, discussed the Miners' Eight-Hours Bill. On Monday, Mr. D. A. Thomas moved the insertion of words in the second clause under which a majority of the underground workers......
Congress His Passed The Tariff Bill In The Form Proposed
by the Senate, the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives, after a long struggle, and finding that the Senate could not be moved, preferring to give way rather than......
If The Admiralty Had Refused On Groundw Of Public Policy,
and bad asked the country to believe that these grounds are good and sufficient, though they could not be stated, we should have said nothing. Since, however, they have stated......
On Tuesday, The Chief Speech Of Interest Was That Made
by Mr. Chamberlain, the promoters of the Bill remaining silent in order to save time. Mr. Chamberlain twitted them on their reticence in argument. "Apparently, with the new......