The French Socialist Party, in reply to questions from Stockholm,
has defined its peace programme in very similar terms. All the invaded territories must be evacuated and compensated for their losses. Belgium and Luxemburg must be completely indemnified by Germany. Poland must be independent, in accordance with a Polish referendum. The Danes of Northern Schleswig are to be consulted as to their future destiny, in accordance with the Treaty of Prague. Alsace-Lorraine is also to be consulted—a suggestion which has caused the greatest indignation in France and Alsace, and which contrasts curiously with the British Labour Party's blunt demand for the restoration of the provinces to France. The French Socialists conclude by affirming that the moment for peace will not come until there is a democratic revolution in Germany. Clearly, it would be a profound mistake to class the majority of the French Socialists, and the overwhelming mass of the British Labour Party, with Mr. Ramsay MacDonald and the Pacificista.