A Conference Of Modern Churchmen.
[To TM EDITOR Or ran " SPECTATOR.") SIE,—The Council of the Churchmen's Union had grave doubts whether the usual annual Conference of Broad Churchmen should be held this year.......
Tile Fate Of King Alexander Of Serbia. [to Tee Eon.
or TM " SPECIST08."1 111e,--As my copy of the Spectator arrives at somewhat irregular intervals, I am afraid that the subject of this letter is already two months old. I read......
Does Posterity Pay?
[To TRE EDITOR or TIM " SPECTATOR:9 But,—With reference to your article in the Spectator of August 11th headed " Does Posterity Pay? " I think you overlook several......
The Irish Question.
[To TM EDITOR or v. "Seec-rsvoa.") Ste,—I thank you for allowing me so much space in your last issue and hesitate to trespass further, but if I leave your editorial query......
The New Money Training.
[To IRE Ems. or sun " SPECTATOR."1 Sre,—In support of your contention, in your article on "The New Money Training " (Spectator, August 4th), of the wisdom of giving a greater......