18 AUGUST 1928, Page 19

We always know where we.are with the " Little Guides: ,

and motorist travellers will find in Mr. Gordon-Barrett's Motoring in Italy (Methuen, illustrated, 7s. 6d.), which is the latest addition to the series, a most excellent travelling com- panion. Road conditions (which within late years have enormously improved), the right time to visit Italy's various districts, hints on suitable itineraries, and quantities of good Potted history—they are all here. The alphabetical list of towns at the end of the book, which indicates what to look for in each, is a useful feature. More limited in scope is Miss Clara Laughlin's So You're Going to Rome (Methuen, illus- trated, 10s. 6d.), which deals with much discursive enthu- siasm with the history-saturated Eternal City and with Naples and its neighbourhood. The author's previous book on Paris met with great success : her 'admirers may enjoy this

one also. - - - •