18 AUGUST 1928, page 19

* * (general Knowledge Questions Will Be Found On Page


Now That Mr. Jonathan Cape Is Publishing A Collected Edition

of her works, it will be interesting to see whether the name of Mary Webb becomes as widely associated with her other stories as it has done with the novel which the Prime......

Although Mr. A. S. Wade Is Heretical About The Gold

standard we have no hesitation in recommending The Plnin Man and his Money (Nisbet, 2s. 6d.), which deald precisely and plainly with the subjects specified. The Financial Editor......

Some Books Of The Week

IN the Middle Ages, the attempt to draw spiritual meanings from the world of nature was continual ; unfortunately the world of nature was very much neglected in the process. The......

Suggestibility Is A Fact Of Our Daily Social Intercourse. We

live off one another's thoughts and react to one another's feelings. The man who sets himself to resist all the sugges- tions of his fellows is as much moved by them as anybody......

We Always Know Where We.are With The " Little Guides: ,

and motorist travellers will find in Mr. Gordon-Barrett's Motoring in Italy (Methuen, illustrated, 7s. 6d.), which is the latest addition to the series, a most excellent......

In His Small Book On The Beginnings Of Man (hodder

and Stoughton, 2s. 6d.), Mr. E. 0. James attempts to give at the same time a scientific account of the evolutionary theory of the ancestry of man and a reconciliation of the......

Mr. G. E. R. Gedye's A Wayfarer In Austria (methuen,

7s. 6d.) claims to be the first travel-book on Austria published in the English language. It is more than a guide-book (though it is that too) ; it is an evangel of the charm of......

It Is In The Eighteenth Century That The Reputation Of

Shakespeare was finally consolidated. Dryden and Milton had previously set him upon a pinnacle in their view of him as one of the supreme writers of all ages, but the view was......

Anything About The Great Doctor Will Lure Us To A

reading, especially when the book is as well printed and bound as Mr. Roscoe's Aspects of Dr. Johnson (Cambridge University Press, 6s.). We found some old stories well retold,......

Mr. Gordon S. Maxwell's The Road To Prance (methuen,...

75. 6d.) is an account of the thrice-told tale of Watling Street and of its associations and near surroundings from London, through Canterbury, to Dover. The book is pleasant......

The Competition

THE Editor offers a prize of three guineas for the best descrip- tion in verse Of a popular English seaside resort at midday on August Bank Holiday. Entries should not be more......