17 AUGUST 1944, Page 18

In My Garden Two of our horticultural experts at any

rate have been an extended cultivation of endive. Doubtless the reason why best of all winter salad plants has not been popular in this (where many amateur gardeners are a trifle lazy) is that the p need bleaching. Mr. Shewell-Cooper recommends , the Bata endive, which should be sown at successive dates in August, suggests the whitewashing of cloches for bleaching purposes. myself, I have found it simple, as a means of protecting n planted stuff from the sun, to cover the cloches with sacking some old canvas, and this should be useful also for bleaching. work is quickly and easily done (a necessity in these labour days), and does away with the extra work of transplanting. the acceleration of growth. The French maraichers used to su us with most of such salading ; but we can supply our own plifn and endive so grown 'should be available from November to W. BEACH THO