The Primacy Of Rome
The Church and the Papacy. By Trevor Jalland, D.D. (S.P.C.K. 25s.) BAmvrort lectures are- almost always important. Dr. Jalland is to be congratulated on .having made a very......
The Living Milton
Milton, Man and Thinker. By Denis Saurat. (Dent. 15s.) THE first part of this book is a reprint, with only slight alterations, of a volume published' under the same title in......
A Plan For India
A Plan of Economic Development for India. (Penguin Special.. 01 THE object of this little book is to put forward a scheme, sponsord by. a group of leading Indian industrialists,......
Norfolk Worthies
Men of Branber. By Edward G. Thompson. (Frederick Muller. 7s. 61) IN the preliminary chapter to his witty and racy book, Mt Thompson follows, doubtless undesignedly, • the......