Sir: As a young farmworker of 17 I spent some hard-earned cash on several issues of your magazine in an effort to understand the politics and ideas of conservatism. I tried to find from your magazine what the intellectual authority for the notions of conservatism was. Instead I was left with an aura of bad temper and unadulterated cant. Now, 14 years later, having recently purchased a further issue of your magazine, I find exactly the same combination, produced in exactly the same way and with the same effect. I have always
understood the purpose of a political magazine to be one of helping with the development of the philosophy and reality of its particular political discourse. This is not the case with the Spectator. I am left wondering whether this is due to the nature of conservative philosophy and reality or some failure in those producing the magazine. Possibly it is both. Meanwhile, I do not propose to spend money on another issue until or unless I hear that substantial improvements have been made.
Michael Clark
34 Lordship Park, London N16