Pointless Exercise
T he g allant failure of the Russians and their allies to destroy the Olympic Games is g reatly to be deplored. Now that the Olympic movement has survived three successive......
Irish Market
T he collapsin g Irish economy, on which Richard West reported last week, seems to be involvin g the Irish press in its ruin. Independent Newspapers Ltd, whose publications......
ince the past few days have marked the ■ 315th anniversary of the arrival of Brit- ish troops in Northern Ireland and the 13th of the be g innin g of internment, it was to be......
A story of the triumph of lust over sentimentality, set in Vienna, and culminatin g in an unusual crime passion- nel, has not received the attention it deserves. Herr Franz......
Heath's Loss
O ne feels sorry for anyone bur g led, and particularly sorry for Mr Edward Heath, who has just lost a wide variety of personal mementoes. The bur g lary seems particularly......
UK Eire Surface mail Air mail 6 monitis: f17.25 £17.25 f20.50 f26.50 One year: £34.50 £34.50 £41.00 £53.00 For special offer turn to p.26 Name Address .. US Subscriptions:......