18 AUGUST 1990, Page 24

Beware of the swan

Sir: Even The Spectator now joins the ranks of British dog-haters — '800,000 canine stiffies', as Alexandra Artley writes (Diary, 4 August). Although not a city dog-owner I must put in a word for dogs in parks. There have always been dogs in parks and they give enormous pleasure to people who also use parks. Dogs in parks have a busy social life and are unlikely to attack humans on neutral ground. it is noticeable that most attacks by dogs are on their own territory and on their owners' children or neighbours.

Surely even Spectator readers have en- joyed seeing dogs in parks? Personally I have never been bitten by a dog in a park, though I have been severely bitten by a

swan. I would suggest, on this basis, ban swans and keep dogs — they are much more fun.

Sonia Coode-Adams

Inworth Hall, Inworth, Colchester, Essex