18 AUGUST 1990, page 26

London Library

Sir: I am completing a rather discursive and anecdotal history of the London Lib- rary to coincide with its 150th anniversary in 1991. I would be extremely grateful to any of......

Speaking For Germany

Sir: In view of The Spectator's account of the Daily Telegraph affair (`The Kaiser and the March hares', 28 July), you might be interested to know that it was not the only......

Last Word

Sir: You have considerately given much space to pained apologies from some of those reponsible for the controversial res- toration of the Queen's House at Green- wich. But it......


Sir: The answer to Stephen Harris's ques- tion (Letters, 21 July) is to be found on page 61 of Alan Judd's excellent biography of Ford Madox Ford. Stephen Crane (1871-1900)......


Sir: Paul Johnson's article on the Ridley affair (The media, 21 July) is very strange indeed. Here is a journalist, commenting upon the media, suggesting that ministers of the......

Sick Note

Sir: I've been away and notice from the back-numbers that Zenga Longrnore was unwell; Jeffrey Bernard was unwell; and that Auberon Waugh is at a health farm Sickly lot, aren't......

Celestial Canary

Sir: Maxi, our canary was found this morning clawed to death on the floor of his cage. He was born in Cieux about 14 km from here. We bought him for 50 francs last October. His......

Ex Umbris . . .

Sir: A. N. Wilson makes Newman out to be an inactive contemplative (Books, 4 August). But it should be remembered that even in tangible terms he left more than most great......