18 DECEMBER 1852, Page 11



The English Stock Market has been extremely inactive throughout the week ; chiefly owing to the uncertainty of our own Ministerial affairs. This would probably have caused a decline but that money continues very abund- ant, and the Bank is making advances until the payment of the dividends at It per cent. Consols for Account opened on Monday at the closing price of Saturday, and have since only varied between 1001 buyers and sellers ; with the exception of today, which has produced more animation. They opened at 104, being a decline of t ; they subsequently rose to 1001 t, and leave off 100} I for Account. The sales in Exchequer Bills have continued; they fell 2s. on Monday and remained very dull until Thursday, when a rise of la. took place. Ikey close today at 60 63. Bank Stock has improved t this week. India Stock is shut. In the Foreign Market, there has been a tendency to heaviness, although the sales have not been extensive. Spanish, Peruvian, Sardinian, and Sre- nada Deferred, have suffered from speculative sales, and from arrangements connected with the settlement of the Account, which took place yesterday. Belgian, Chilian, and Russian, have not altered. Dutch fwo-and-a-half per Cents have risen 1; and the Four per Cents lt. Advises from Amster- dam state the Chambers had approved of the conversion of the Dutch Four per Cents into Three-and-a-half per Cents, at 96. An improvement has also occurred in the following Stocks—Danish Three per Cents, 2; Buenos Ayres and Danish Five per Cents, 1; Swedish, I. The decline has been in Sar- dinian' 1; Peruvian, 1; Grenada Deferred, I ; Spanish Three per Cents and


Deferred„. Mexican, I. Turkish Scrip continues heavy, and leaves off today at 1 I premium. Negotiations have been commenced in Lisbon re- specting t e home and foreign debt, to make the whole a Three per Cent Stock, and capitalize the arrears of dividend. The Foreign Bondholders, however, claiming payment of 25 per cent deductions from dividends lately met, will be likely to prove a barrier to any agreement. In the Railway Market, there has been great heaviness in most of the leading Stocks from the commencement of the week ; arising chiefly from sales and other arrangements connected with the settlement of the Account, which was concluded on Wednesday. The rates paid for continuation were high in most eases, and the market then experienced its greatest depression. London and North-western were done as low as 1241 ; Great Western, 95} ; London and South-western, 92 ; Midland, 79+. There was a slight recovery towards the end of the day ; but yesterday it resumed its former heavy ap- pearance, and most lines were lower. The difference in some of the principal Stocks compared with Saturday last was to the following extent. Decrease— London, Brighton, and South Coast, 31. 10s. • London and South-western, 31. ; London and North-western, 21. 10s. ; Eaa Lancashire, and North Bri- tish, 21.; Lancashire and Yorkshire, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 11. 10s.; Caledonian, Edinburgh and Glasgow, and Midland, 11.; Great Western, 16s. Bristol and Exeter, of the same value as last week. French Shares have not been so much dealt in ; they are dull, with a decline in Northern of France of 11., Paris and Lyons, 12a. 6d., ana Rouen and Havre, 10s. ; Paris and Orleans, and Paris and Rouen, have not altered. Today the English and Foreign lines close about the same as yesterday ; the latter had been slightly better in the morning, but subsequently declined.


In the English Stock Market the information respecting the resignation of Ministers has had no effect on the Funds. Consols for Aecount are 1001 I, and other securities have not altered. In Foreign Stocks, the only difference is in Spanish Three per Cents ; which are I lower, being now 50t t. Rail- ways are dull and inactive. Leeds Northern have been done at 17/, and North British at 39I. SATURDAY Two o'CLoea.

In the English Market there has been an improvement of Is Consols being now 100+ I for the Account. Foreign Stocks have not been much dealt in ; the only change is in Dutch Stocks : the Two-and-a-half per Cents are new 68 9, and the .Four per Cents 9912 100t, being 1 better in each case. Swe-

dish Loan 2 1/ discount. Bargains in Turkish Scrip have taken place at It and 11 premium.

In the Railway Market, the rise in Consols has caused a little recovery in prices. London and North-western have advanced 11. Ambergate, Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 71; Caledonian, 69/ ; East Anglian, 251. L. and E. and L. and D., 61 ; Eastern Counties, 13 ; Great Northern, 831 ; Ditto Half-shares, A deferred, 45 ; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 1075; Great Western, 953; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 841; London and Brighton, 109 ; London and North-western, 1261; Ditto Fifths, 161; London and South-western, 93; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 31; Mid- land, 791; Norfolk, 53; North British, 39 ; North Staffordshire, 131; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 541; South Devon, 24k; South-eastern, 825 ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 75 ; York and North Midland, 601 ; Caledonian, 1061; Eastern Union Scrip Guaranteed 6 per Cent, 184; Great Northern g per Cent, 1274 - Lancashire and Yorkshire, 6 per Cent Stock, 1531; Midland Consolidated Bristol and Birmingham, 6 per Cent, 1501. Foreign—Northern of France, 36; Sambre and Meuse, 115. Mines—Cobre Copper, 42; General, 14; Santiago de Cuba, 101; United Mexican, 101; West Mariposa, 11 Joint Stock Banks—Australasian, 82 ; London Joint St.,..tk Bank, 201; Union of Australia, 72. Miscellaneous—Eastern Steam, 1; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 89 ex div.

3 per Ceat Console

Ditto for Account

3 per Cent Reduced

34 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock shut 100 101 104 61 223 ; 16 4 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 23 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 6 per Cents Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 85 7 68 9

99ot 100; 240}1 4

I 6


Exchequer Bills 60 63 Russian 5 per Cents 118 20 India Stock shut Ditto 44 per Cents 105 6 Brazilian 5 per Cents 102 4 Spanish 3 per Cents 50

Belgian 43 per Cents

98 100 Ditto Deferred 23

Chilian 6 per Cents 106 8 Sardinian 5 per Cent 95 61 Danish 5 per Cents 107 8 Austrian Scrip 9 1