18 DECEMBER 1852, page 29
Seddon's Progress In Art And Architecture.*
Tars volume enables us to see what is thought of the present condition of architecture by a person of thoroughly Ruskinian sympathies and ten- dencies, modified by the fact that......
Reminiscences Of An Emigrant Milesian. * The Title Of...
will disappoint. The " Rebel Reminis- cences" do not relate to present times, rarely to the yoresent cen- tury; but refer to the emigrant Irishmen whom politics and the penal......
Publications Received.
Booxs. Lives and Letters of the Devereux Earls of Essex, in the Reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I., 1540-1646. By the Honourable Walter Bourchier Devereux, Captain in......