-attformss The peopesali.forsan linelerstr Mirek artnosialit•eirsteiliveyi here MOOItl . IY.tt iteit orktiyibiiiii+
'gjessiassisiosie,sass yvigtrt or'Nerong: Mott 18 no f ..EeklPv1-11..1.1%l 116. P. P.Cu'Pl',11.449J4M ac1.411c.c49Q3e...99: . C'P Of 8 II:lig-Delta likelib end, i thatsatinuitied Pea .44•S :lq 010..1,14-That third-rlas,s, skpge,re ,,,I3r,.?,,,,11,0.!pcistuPTR 916. k....001,41,1Vt fogasPis-Psivi#11. 1114...1 -is eriar aeeonfinedretion then is set' ved ifttintlfirsf-clitasteettlice trekbte stICIfildii tii ilintatittsieliroo 1 ttitd oiily 4jecamc, the tool and iictim of rilltsinfers,that itaiorild-be quite piollslisy the/infra,: tiolcorivey the - sssiossiossesasssastasmarsi ,ikki i almidelibeeethidated in hie °en --sfarorkingrismintef , our large, towns to and from eouatrY heeldetteete, s te*chstlaqtigkoreanerative: to the_ conmauies, would - he eepriernicalsto the• . 0 4' lig'ee ..f044 Ir141#8.1reE&PAettlatl At sequent neglect gives - -to typhus and scarlet fevers, or other discaties, ' Some corporations have obtained special powers for the removal of nuisances It is sing-ular, Sir, and worthy of your consideration, that every case of otherwise, available on special occasions : but the methods of its application and others, on one plea or -another, the judgment has invariably made the , are somewhat cumbrous, and difficult to work where they meet with the children Protestants. ' Is this all right?
powers for the enforced removal of nuisances are THOLIC PRIEST. It inie,ht rest with the police to give notice that their removal was neces- sary and to see that it was effected. At present, muchof the town refuse is removed by the farmers, who follow the dictate of their own convenience,
and perhaps leave. itfestering in the autumn ELM, when it is most dangerous .l5 December 1858.
newspaper editors, in the writers of leading articles ? All such writers have convenient at hand ; or to notice a freehold land society's plot, where the
merous. . have gone through the same course of study, passed their several public But if, as is perhaps the case, the feeling of the cavalry is against legis- ,
harping upon an old chord, (in abusing the British Crimean Army,) country squire, the large farmer, the manufacturer, the cottage owner, may
much as formerly of the farm labourer, or countiy. mill-hand, being corn-1 system for,Itigh commands, in which the recommender to com- pelled to live in a wretched hovel in the next parish lest the poor-rates o
the one where he works should be increased by his becoming chargeabl m e ; but the houses are often no less wretched than of old. Damp, ruinous, scanty in accommodation, they are too frequently nests of scrofula, and in
some measure consequently a intemperance. Model cottages are, indeed, rising all over the country. Much too, thanks to Dr. Southwood Smith
and others, has been done in this way in London. But all this is hardly
an immediately paying speculation. I.and moreover is heavily mortgaged
everywhere. The mortgager can hardly live on his income, cannot keep
his property in repair, much less improve it. Might not a modified En-
cumbered Estates' Court (as has been suggested) be applied to England with advantage? In that way capitalists, who would improve, might get possession of some of the too heavily mortgaged estates. Nay, to a sensible le.
proprietor, a healthy cottage on has estate is clearly profitable. For the - Ate OLD SOLDIER. family are strong; and recollecting the old proverb, "mem sena in corpore [We do not tirink that our readtra, after carefully perusing our cone- sax°" he has good ground for expecting that they will be intelligent end spondent's letter-ill view it as disproving the very general opinion, indu'strious. They thus require neither his own private nor parish that more e4ucatioiu necessary for tbe British officer.] charity; are not.eoriatantly in want of the doctor ; the husband is tern- asIfilmfa Jt9fas111°!1l) Pilin$7,.- WI A4,0/14l)filiftr .,1Wiii?,Y9l4A -,he Aitil ' • - ritteeyleareitetylltb,/e i rieare•wartbe4 end I trusts ou'ralli . c.puluel c:, jtrei lig's a t , OW innl-csthey,„490., e peolly,ero ere , t se_ 0
, y ..! I IN 1.11i1). .