18 DECEMBER 1858, page 19

Lute Arts.

TILE ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION. The second annual exhibition of this most useful and excellent society has just opened at the old Water•Colour Gallery and brings......

Publications Received.

The tide is flowing again ; the week having produced some thirty publications of various kinds, several of the most important having reached us at too late a period even to......

Musical Publications.

Moore's Irish Melodies, nub Symphonies and Accompaniments for the Piano- forte. People's Edidon. Longman and Co. Moore's great collection of the melodies of Ireland, united to......


On the 15th November, off Monrovia, west coast of Affica, brought on by ex. ;insure in the zealous discharge of his duty, Lieutenant Spencer De Lacy Lacy , lt.N., of H.M.S.......


PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 10. Wan OFFICE, Pall Mall, Dec. 10.-3d West India Regiment—Lient. V. 1. Mesas to be Capt. by purchase, vice Dalrymple, who retires; Lieut. 3,......


On the 9th December, at St. Michael's Church, Coventry, Thomas Marsh Hon. fall, Esq., 15th King's Ilussars, eldest son of Thomas B. /torsion, Esq., M.P., to Emily Sarah Ling,ard......


On the 24th.November, at Hartford, Connecticut, 17.5., the Wife of Colonel SamL Colt, of a son. On the 10th December, at Great Yarmouth, the Wife of Edward Bradford, Esq.,......