Wan OFFICE, Pall Mall, Dec. 10.-3d West India Regiment—Lient. V. 1. Mesas to be Capt. by purchase, vice Dalrymple, who retires; Lieut. 3, H. H. Lends; from the 24th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Lloyd, who exchanges. .'111BaidifijOrre84311/EaLihinhe011,1 Brazilian eit •-pmay; 54k1Fooljto bee a0. 4.1104:1-. fkliN'Tfiddifisofi;b1 yItrghl DragOnlilalrhopptaz1,411,gfifir.41,o,91126th l'ioNstulirst, in Succession to Lieu Lightfoot, -desearied, olBonr having been_prom for EpTi.rowor Itia„:mich date of 20th Juilyclji4.7,/,:i-r-r (I a The undermettibutkltiotiolitubs to/e1)1114 place in succe4siOreoyerjf Officer of Pensioners, tn:llitfeateairet c?hild Capt. Coml. StatfoLlfgeorn shalVglerrOlgZilfge-te3VigtOr.:Ctff ZsfiaellitrY:pt..17 4111,141%.' 1. tfle,cd.1 ilóf twe ieb` the de • the' IhrAge4„ Veiny- PR. ant ° ° P;44Aut-• Celnlief 1%1R !=xii9. • ethgteitr-
lery, to be ajor in e p ce o
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ndJJq U* 310fePta rtipilwitlithitnibl petift.§olfi; Capt.) .iC1 1 .1.1,.:.; Is,rr, ,57;n:Flitei,cit..,g,-ttae • -...og .01 r, .0..k ., lif r J 0' (1.• ------. (Ii'; ':ti! 11 -,-"' ' ' '''tlIdar7rit le 4..014-D me' GAZETTE ''LliCEBBER 14.
WAR OrFicE, Pall kL111._December 11.- infrintry--00th 1 Foot-Gent. Cadet R,; H.[O'Cispid,v, ur ,hg Royal „Itlil. Colt,: to ite Ensign, -without purchase;
r9ot.-- er of Ensig4 Roger from the 3Otii root has heen autralated to e Iftli bf i'' ' ' T • •
. .
87iliTrititL. n et. Circlet R. A. Hickson, from the lies al Militarv College, to he Ensign, uithOut pm-chase, vice Leadbitter, promoted.
Walt 011esIcE, Pall Mall; Dec. 17.-Carfr/ry--72d Regt. of Drags.-J. W. Hosier, Gent-I-tithe Cornet, brpuitbase, vice 11. -.-locAeriunrited.1 431alLigirtairags.,-Gapt. T. W. Gm:060,4nm/ tbe Cape Mounted Riflemen, to be Capt.:laying the Aitference betwemkinfantry„aud Cavalry, vice G. W. Hunt, -who-exchange& receiving the same ; Calif. A. P. Douglas, from the 16th Foot, to be Capt. paying the difference between Infantry and Cavalry, vice 13. A. Branfill,* wlp ExOtanitcrecTiVi% 31)e irni9" 1141-pe row Light ragii.-,Lieut. 3. Wyn Las b twitted to retire from the sett ice by the Sale of bis"cammis,,ion. 17th Light brags.-Coniet P. J. Ring to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Sey- mour, promoted.
Military Mull-Ensign W. Townley to I- Lieut. intraliase, vice' Dotiling, 141 itaratry-7-5th Begt. of Foot-Brevet-Lieut.-Col. W. C. Master to be Lieut.-Col. withoutpurci,asc. v ice Kennedy, retired Olson fun-pay ; Capt."J. S. Ilogge to be Major, AitltRot purchase, vice Master ; Lieut.' .1.'11. ('arliile' to be Capt. withont pin-chase, vice Ilogge. ith,Frt-.Ensign Li. M. Harding has been permitted to retire from the service by the sale of his commission.
16th Foot-Capt. B. A. Branfill, from the 4th Light Drags, to be Capt. vice A. P. Douglas, who exchanges. 228 Foot-Lieut. G. It. Hassell, from the 84th Foot, to be Lieut.-vice F. E. E. Wilson, whociehan 59th Foot-Paymaster F. L. Bennett, from half-pay Drlptrt Battalion, to be Pay- master, Vice Addison, who resigns. 84th Foot--Lieut. F. E. E. Wilson, from the 228 Foot, to be Lieut. vice Hassan, who exchanges. 98th Foot-Lieut. W. Blakett to be Capt. by purchase, vice Knight, who retires. Bifie Brigade-Brevet-Lieut. Col. Lord A. G. Russell to be Lieut.-Col. by pur- chase, vice Brevet-Col. E. A. Somerset, who retires upon half-pay Unatt. •, Capt. E. 31. Buller, to be Major by purchase, vice Lord A. G. Russell ; Lieut. J. Clerk to be Capt. by purehas, vice Boiler; -Ensign T. R. Pam, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Clerk. Cape Mounted BUres-Capt. G. W. Hunt from the 4th Light Drags, to be Capt. vice T. W. Goodrich, who exchanges. Gold Coast Artillery Corps-Ensign and Adjt. F. J. Bolton to have the rank of Lieut.; Ensign T. G. Danger to be Lieut. without purchase, vice J. H. Thomp- son, deceased; Ensign E. Hewitt to be Lieut. without purchase, rice Danger, whoscprornotion on the 26th Nov. has been cancelled ; E. W. Smyth, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Hewett. Garrisons=-The Rev. D. Arthur to be Chaplain to the Garrison at Fort George, Inverness. Hospital Staff-To be Assistant-Surgeons to the Forces-P. B. Kearney, Gent. vice Boyd, appointed to the 56th Foot ; G. Smith, Gent. vice Gordon, deceased ; R. A. Allen, M.D. vice Schofield, deceased. Memorandum.Major-Gen. E. Studd, Lient.-Col. on half-pay Unatt. has been permitted to retire from the Service by the sale of an Unatt.Lieut.-Coloneley.