- .MONEY MARKET. Sioux EX(TIAN.P., TheMarket for English . Securities has again
fallen into a partiiillttate of indetitity, the general-Public still .alstainiul,g. front &het fide inyeetruents ofanvamount. From • the o p on ing.ou Id tindny till thd close thia ;afternoon tliesfinetuations have been inutinteriaLTin. spite, hawever, of ft snippet giSten tretha market, by•purchasee evrry day by the Qovcrunient Elvlier of 21);900/., in ItodP.9.C41,and arise large purchases estui dayjne.w Tltree per .Cents, prices hare given way, .Consols closing. nearly '1. perSeeii1 below the first quotation Of money. A greater demand for silo]...■-■• Ipis,:6e(M ex_peTtenced both lit and out of the Stock- Exelianze, the rates tor'idan'ori Obiteranielit Securities rtitistg at lk end 2 per -emit. Consols havetheen liSiistyall.day, and -elnse with tiatenciener_to• further depression the final linen is 96:'„ -97, end in Beduced 97 9Th, Bank Stock -225 227, and New
ThreirpeisCents 97. 971. ; •
ellihere lies .beewhut a. coMparativels limited business doing throughout the entire week in Foreign Storks, the only change worth recording being some considerable fluctuations in Venezuela Which was at one time quoted 4.7 nominally buyers, and the Deferred 181 1:9; the stock Inis since receded, and is now 44 45.; it is rumoured that, in addition to the news already brought by the West India packet on the 16th, better termS than even these proposed by the last eclvices are about to be laid before the bondholders. Turkish Scrip remains at the same 'quotation, and Mexican is deli at the price. Peruvian Stoel: is at n loV.-cr figure. The settlement Of the account passed off in a satisfactory manner ; but money was in greater demand in this market than has been known for scone time past; the rates being quite equal to 4 6 per omit.' Chilian New Loan has been quite d d premium ; Buenos Ayres, 86 87; Ditto .Deferred, 14 19; Peruvian Four andsa-half per Cent, 92 93; Ditto Three per Cent, 7273; Spanish, 471 48. Business in the English Railway Market has been of a more than usually active character, owing, in a great measure, to . the continued improvement in the traffic returns. The half-monthly settlement took place on Tuesday and Wednesday, which showed a shortness of stock ; but Contangoss not- withstanding, were generally- light. At the beginning of the week prices advanced all round 4- and per cent. Yesterday and today a slight reaction has occurred in the Chief lines, the cawing quotations of Which are, in Mid- land, 1021. 103; Great Western, 55f 56.ka and Lancashire and Yorkshire, 94 99; London and North-Western, 94 96-; Chester and Holyhead has been active, and leaves off 44 44; Bristol and Exeter, 931 941: ; Caledonian, 44 441; London and Brighton, 112 114; South-Eastern and Dover, 22t, 224; Great Northern Stock, 107 108; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 38-39 ; North Staffordshire, 4i n discount.
The French Share Market is steady, and the traffic returns are increasing ; in the Paris and Lyons there is an improvement of 13,000/. in the receipts. The Funds are steady, and would probably be better but for the flat prices in the English market ; Northern of France, 391 4 01. ; Paris and Stiasbourg, 271 28; Paris and Lyons, 35 351. Indian shares are good, owing to con- tinued investments by the public and the late satisfactory news; East In- dian, 108 109; Great Indian Peninsula, 211 211.; Madras 20/. shares, 201 2.