1..TO THZ EDITOR OF THR "Sracmos.”] SIR,—Sir Frederick Pollock would
have Unionist Free- traders give their cheerful (sic) support to Liberal candi- dates opposed to Tariff Reform (see Spectator, December 11th). But now that Mr. Asquith has declared that Home-rule is to be put in the front of the Liberal programme, does he still remain of that opinion ? L like him, had my doubts, as a Free-trader, which candidate to support in the constituency for which Sir Frederick Pollock and I have votes. But now, as a Unionist, I shall feel bound to give my support to Mr. Horne, as against his opponent Mr. Methuen, if the former declares himself against Home- rule. Surely the question of one Imperial Parliament for the three kingdoms must now become the dominant issue.—I am, Sir, &c., W. Cicancn. Orchards, near G-odalming.