18 DECEMBER 1909, page 2

The Times Of Thursday Contained A Summary Of An Article

by M. Cruppi, the Minister of Commerce in the Clemenceau Cabinet, discussing the work done hitherto by the Commission for reforming French judicial procedure. The changes......

The Turkish Government Has Triumphantly Survived A...

a manner which suggests that it has observed recently in France how strong a position a powerful Cabinet holds when it makes every important act of policy a question of......

Considerable Excitement Has Been Caused At Vienna During...

by a libel action brought by forty-nine Members of the Croatian Diet against Dr. Friedjung, the Austrian historian. In an article in the News Frele Prase published on March 25th......

King Leopold Ii. Died Early On Friday Morning. He Had

been seriously ill for several days, and had undergone a desperate operation which produced only a temporary improve- ment. He was born in 1835, and succeeded to the throne on......

A Special Meeting Of The National Directory Of The United

Irish League was held on Tuesday in Dublin. The pro- ceedings were private, but a report was issued to the news- papers. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of......

Mr. Balfour Explained That He Was By No Means Averse

from the reform of the House of Lords or from resort to the Referendum, but he doubted the wisdom of turning the House of Lords into a second House of Commons, and nulling it......

The Debate Was Then Suspended Till Monday, When It Was

at ance apparent that the majority in the Chamber had cooled down considerably on Sunday. After a discussion it was declared by a handsome majority that the Cabinet was within......

The Times Of Wednesday Publishes In Full The Grave Charges

brought in the New York Times against Dr. Cook, the Polar explorer. The accusations are made by two men named Loose and Diankle, the former a retired ship's captain and the......

The Case For The Defendant Was Scarcely More Than A

rhetorical repetition of the original accusations. An attempt was made, however, to discredit M. Supilo, one of the most important of the plaintiffs, by producing a witness who......