[To TEl EDITOR OF TEA "SrEcTiros." . 1 Sra,—The letter of Sir
Frederick Pollock in your issue of December 11th is likely to carry great weight with many who, like myself, are, as students of our laws and Constitution, admirers of the work of one of our most distinguished jurists; but does not his dislike of the innovation in Constitutional usage produced by the action of the House of Lords cause him to overlook the essential feature of the present issue ? Mr. Lloyd George has made it clear that if the Liberals are returned to power the veto of the House of Lords will be abolished, which means that we shall be governed in future by a single Chamber under the absolute control of the Cabinet for the time being. Is not the prospect of the whole legisla- tive and executive power being in the hands of a secret Committee of the Privy Council even worse than the prospect of that power being in the hands of the House of Lords, which at any rate conducts its deliberations in public P Is not the danger to public liberty greater ? Is not this worse even than the loss of Free-trade P—I am, Sir, &c.,
Dalehurst, Lovelace Road, Surbiton.