18 DECEMBER 1909, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF VIE " Sp.scrAroz.1 SIR,—If London is behind Manchester and Liverpool in the matter of teaching Russian and Oriental languages (see Spectator, December 11th), it is only because in all the thousands of wealthy merchants whose activities centre in the city there is no Sir Alfred Jones (alas! at the moment of writing these words have a particular significance, for we learn that he, one of the Empire's foremost citizens, is dead) willing to found a Chair. Nevertheless, during this winter classes in Russian have been started at the City of London College in Moorfields, and have been well attended. The credit for this development was, however, in part due to the generosity of a Russian gentleman resident in England, and not to a wealthy Briton. Besides the teaching of the Russian language, the City of London College has established classes in Japanese, and made an attempt at Chinese, so that in this old, yet expensive and vigorous, institution—capably captained by Sir Edward Clarke and the energetic Principal— we have a splendid exception to the condition of stolid indifference with which the Metropolis seems to regard organised commercial education.—I am, Sir, &c., C. E. Lew-Eamon.

Ivy Deno, Farnborough, Sea