18 DECEMBER 1942, Page 11


A country correspondent to the Press, telling how her wireless set went out of order, says that the silence was "almost uncanny."

POOR debauchees of noise, has your dulled ear, By clamour calloused, brought you now to this? The drug of din if you a moment miss

There yawns for you a vacuum dark with fear! Your life's accompaniment has made more dear, To such as I, its rare antithesis, Now golden silence is a hard-won bliss For those intent her harmonies to hear! Were there a muse of silence I would pray, "Queen of the Sacred Nine, indulgent be To one who yearns for you in vain all day ; Prove your high power by one sweet boon to me ; Regard your thwarted lover's woeful plight And mute my neighbour's wireless set tonight! "