Religion In The Schools
Snr,—I do not really think that a discussion of Schweitzer is very rele- vant to a correspondence on Religion in the Schools. But Colonel Mozley has asked me a question. By......
Retail Trading
SIR, —In his review of Professor Levy's book, your reviewer forecasts what would happen if a new merchandising technique were able to re- duce consumer costs by to per cent. It......
L'affaire Darlan
Snt,—It is a relief to turn from the scurrility of some of your contem- poraries to your own reasonable comments on the Dalian affair. None the less one may feel that the......
America And India
SIR,—" Janus" refers, in your issue of December i ith, to the need for competent British speakers to put the British case on India to American audiences. May I pass on a point......
Regulation 33b
SIR,—In support of a regulation that claims to deal with men and women alike, Lord Dawson of Penn is reported to have said: "The hard core of irresponsible women must be dealt......
A Subject For Thought
Snt,—Dr. Kenneth Walker stated in his letter in December 4th issue of The Spectator: "It is true that in the case of the last-named (the homo- sexual) the expert psychologist is......