18 DECEMBER 1942, Page 12

Snt,—As an old and regular reader may I protest against

the comment of " Janus " in "A Spectator's Notebook," on the letter of Mr. Oswald Falk criticising the Beveridge report, which recently appeared in The Times. Possibly a large number of your readers will favour the Beveridge proposals, but there can be little doubt that a considerable body of public opinion views the report with misgiving akin to alarm, and would be ranged on the side of Mr. Falk. Surely it should be possible to express these adverse opinions in the Press without being subject to the pillory and ill-natured personal remarks of "Janus," which seem so unworthy of The Spectator's tradition.

Teignmouth. W. S. Mtn.E. [Mr. Falk may criticise Sir William Beveridge, but no one may criticise Mr. Falk?—En., The Spectator.]